
4 yards of woolen fabric costs $30.00 more than 6 yards of silk fabric. How much does the silk cost if the cost of the silk is $25.00 less than the cost of the wool?

Accepted Solution

Answer:Cost of yard silk fabric : $35Cost of yard of woolen fabric: $60Step-by-step explanation:This problem must be represented as a linear system of equationsLet x = the cost of 1 yard of woolen fabricy = the cost of 1 yard of silk fabricThe problem tells us4 yards of woolen fabric costs $30.00 more than 6 yards of silk fabric.4.x = 6.y + 30cost of the silk is $25.00 less than the cost of the wooly = x - 25The system of equations is4x - 6y = Β 30 x - y Β = 25If we solve this system of equations using a calculator or computational tool, we get the following valuesx = $60y = $35