
Bounce Club surveyed a random sample of 55 of their members about their favorite type of music. Of the members surveyed, 22 said that jazz is their favorite type of music. There are 422 Bounce Club members. Based on the data, what is the most reasonable estimate for the number of Bounce Club members whose favorite type of music is jazz music?

Accepted Solution

Answer with explanation:Number of people Surveyed about their favorite music=55Number of people who liked Jazz music =22If denoted in terms of fractions, the number of people who likes Jazz music  [tex]=\frac{22}{55}=\frac{2}{5}[/tex]Number of Bounce club Members = 422So, number of bounce club members who likes jazz music is  [tex]=\frac{2}{5}\times 422\\\\=\frac{844}{5}\\\\=168.8[/tex]If we round up to nearest tenth , number of bounce club members who like Jazz music = 169 members